The Top 10 Movies of 2018

Oh Boy its that time of year again, time for you all to finally find out what the best ten movies of this last year that we just had. If you wondered what the 13th best movie was well tough luck my friend you’ve come to the wrong place (It’s actually Annihilation, I keep a […]

Captain America: Civil War

After an Avengers mission in Wakanda’s success comes at a great civilian cost the American government comes up with a plan to have the group regulated by the UN. This proposal creates a rift between the team, with Captain America refusing to sign and Iron Man thinking that it is a necessity that they agree […]

Honourable Mentions 2014

Here are a few films I really loved that only just missed my top ten list of 2014. So, in no particular order (other than alphabetic), here they are: Annie Dallas Buyers Club The Double Edge of Tomorrow Godzilla The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies The LEGO Movie Megashark vs Mechashark Oculus Sharknado […]

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

Bilbo and his dwarven mates must deal with an array of problems including a humungous dragon voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch, too many orcs and Lee Pace as the most fabulous thing I have ever seen. First of all, this movie is massive. It’s pretty long, and it is full of glorious sweeping shots of huge […]