Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

Having escaped the maze in the last movie the ‘gladers’ now find themselves in some sort of institution in which people are apparently being taken to a safe haven. But Dylan O’Brien – everyone’s third favourite YA dystopia lead – suspects something is up. And after closer inspection it turns out something in fact was […]

The Duke of Burgundy

Two women who inspect butterflies for a living test the limits of their relationship, exploring the realms of the submissive and dominant. It soon becomes clear that the couple are not what they seem to be upon first glance.   I just found out, this film is incredibly difficult to tie down to a synopsis […]

The Gunman

Sean Penn is a gunman. He shoots someone. Because of this shooting he has to flee the country he is in for 8 years. He comes back after those years and people are still angry at him for shooting this bloke, so he hunts down his old friends to find out which one told the […]

Sharknado 3

America is yet again being hit by Sharknados but this time they are even bigger than ever before, so big in fact that simply dropping a bomb into the middle of them just isn’t good enough anymore. No, this time to defeat the Sharknado they are going to have to take this fight into space. […]

Crimson Peak

Mia Wasikowska is an aspiring author who after a family tragedy is swept away by a mysterious Tom Hiddleston.  They got to live in his manor accompanied by Hiddleston’s sister Jessica Chastain, but there is more to this house than meets the eye. For Guillermo Del Toro this is a return really to his Spanish […]


While M is busy dealing with a new secret intelligence takeover which would see human field operatives made redundant in favour of extensive CCTV camera coverage, Bond begins a search for a huge criminal organisation that he has been battling with without even knowing about it. After the immense success of Skyfall the pressure was […]

Hitman: Agent 47

Ok so in this sort of near-future there is a genetically engineered breed of superhuman whom have been designed to be better than normal people in every physical and mental way. They are stronger, faster and more intelligent. Now the bloke who ‘invented’ these so called agents has disappeared for some reason and is now, […]

The Martian

Matt Damon is part of a mars expedition team, who after a storm occurs is left stranded on the planet with the rest of his team unaware of him being not dead. When he wakes up he realises he has to make about a year’s worth of food last him about four. Commence Matt Damon […]

Bridge of Spies

During the Cold War Tom Hanks – an American lawyer – is employed to defend suspected Russian spy Mark Rylance in court, and is then employed by the CIA to facilitate a swap between said suspected spy and a captured American pilot. Based on real events. Here we have Steven Spielberg’s return to filmmaking since […]

White God

Lili is a 13 year old girl who has recently moved away from her family to live with her father and her dog Hagen. However Hagen is quickly abandoned by the father due to it being a mixed breed. What follows is a tale of the two attempting to reunite themselves. The above synopsis doesn’t […]